What Are You Thinking?

In yesterday’s blog, I wrote about a wave of negative catabolic emotion that I experienced and what that signaled for me. Today, I want to celebrate how good awesome it feels to shift the underlying thoughts.

What triggered my instant catabolic reaction was a photo on Facebook.

A fabulous friend of mine won tickets to a Broadway play featuring one of my favorite actors, Alan Rickman, and she invited me to go. I was so excited!

Interestingly, when she found out the date, it turned out that I had created a situation that required me to be in traffic court the same day, so I choose to decline the overnight trip to New York. Another friend of ours was readily able to go in my place, and I felt good about my choice.

I was fully present during my traffic-court experience and even enjoyed the afternoon trip. The outcome couldn’t have been better.

The first thing I saw yesterday when I logged onto the computer was photos of my friends getting the autograph of the awesome Mr. Rickman. My instant catabolic reaction was, “That was supposed to be me!”

What we are feeling is tied directly to what we are thinking, and that thought felt horrible.

There are an infinite number of ways I could have reacted to this jealous-feeling, but the ones that feel most typical are:

  • I could have jumped into the story about how unfair it was that I didn’t get to go to New York and made myself the victim.
  • I could have focused on the fact that I was feeling jealousy and beaten myself up for experiencing such a horrible emotion.
  • I could detach myself from judgment and use that emotion as a guidepost to examine my underlying thoughts.

Our emotions are a derivative of either love or fear. My fear-based jealous reaction was an absolute signal to me to stop! To recognize that I had some underlying thoughts going on that are not helping me create the life of my dreams. Nor is that how I want to show up as a friend.

The anabolic best possible version of me would absolutely celebrate the joy and success of my friends and that is who I want to be.

For me, this feeling of jealousy is based in an old belief in lack—lack of money, lack of time, lack of luck to be in the right place at the right time. It’s exceptionally important for me to realize that these thoughts are percolating under the surface to begin consciously shifting them to a heart-based knowing that everything is always working out for me.

The new thoughts I am choosing to think are:

  • My friends’ having this magical experience in no way detracts from what I am capable of experiencing. In fact, it is a wonderful indicator of the amazing things I am letting into my life.
  • I am always in the right place at the right time. My life is unfolding in Divine timing and I relax as I remember that perfection.
  • Alan Rickman is on my anabolic team, and the Universe can absolutely create remarkable opportunities for me to encounter my team-mates.
  • My friends truly deserve to have such an amazing and magical experience, and I thrill at adding to and celebrating their joy.

I knew my energy was shifted on this as I read an e-mail from my friend this morning sharing what an incredible experience it was and how much she wished I had been with her. There was no lingering jealousy; only the desire to hear all the details and to celebrate her wondrous experience.

And that feels wonderful!

When you notice you’re feeling catabolic emotion, ask yourself what you are thinking. Practice becoming the master of your thoughts rather than their victim.

Together we can do it!

Photo of Times Square in New York by Damian Brandon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

10 thoughts on “What Are You Thinking?

  1. Ah yes….The journey within never stops does it Hanna? We just keep sweeping up after the party and go on. It’s what I love about life. That full time I’m never going to be fired job. Love that you caught it and corrected it so quickly. Everything is quick these days 🙂 Blessings…VK

  2. Awesome shift sugar, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings makes all the difference. I appreciate the clarity you bring to the dynamic, your experience helps me continue to grow and evolve!

  3. Wow. You must be one of the greatest people in the history of the world for reacting to this so well. I am in love with Alan Rickman and, were I in your position, might have actually skipped traffic court to see him…of course, I live in Canada and they’re much more lenient about that here. In any event, I hope one day that I can react as maturely and awesome to situations as you.

    • Thanks so much! It was easier when I realized that my friend meeting him didn’t use up some “quota” of times to meet him. In fact, it is an awesome illustration that he in fact can be met! I am just putting the intention out there that I will get to meet him, too. And that feels a heck of a lot better. If I can, I’ll look up this comment and let you know when that opportunity presents itself. Would love to hear when you get to meet him, too! Thanks for commenting!

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